At MPI Papermills, we're fully committed to environmental sustainability. With our green production, shipping and storage initiatives, we're working on leaving behind a safer & cleaner environment for our children.
At MPI, we believe that good customer service must include environmental stewardship.
Throughout our 40 years of experience, we have introduced a number of innovative programs to ensure that this exists at every level of our organizational and manufacturing processes, which we can share with our customers, and help them improve.
To be successful. these initiatives must be both meaningful and have practical applications for our customers. Therefore, our customer service and support must continue to lead the way in all we do. We remain efficient, focused, and green.
The green initiatives begin at the paper mill, where, with a 35,000 ton capacity and a commitment to manufacture paper with as much as 100% recovered fiber, more than 550,000 mature trees can be saved each year, and waste otherwise destined for landfills is substantially decreased.
MPI’s chlorine-free process and the removal of suspended solids (TSS) and dissolved organic load (BOD), sends cleaner water back into the environment.
Additionally, continued investment in a modern water treatment facility has reduced water intake by 33 percent, cut the amount of steam required to heat fresh water. As a result, energy consumption is reduced overall.
Shipping & Storage
Our carbon footprint reduction initiatives continue with our ‘Easy Ship’ and ‘Easy Store’ programs. These allow us to ship to our customers more quickly and efficiently.
We've reconfigured certain case packs and unit load configurations to improve the overall cube of our shipments.
This allows us to ship more cases per order, thus reducing the number of trips required to deliver products, cutting fuel consumption and required storage space in our customers’ warehouses.

MPI Papermills is proud to hold certifications from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI).
Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)
SFI Inc. is an independent, nonprofit organization that promotes sustainable forest management. SFI's certification standard is based on principles that promote sustainable forest management, including measures to protect water quality, biodiversity, wildlife habitat, species at risk, and Forests with Exceptional Conservation Value. MORE »